FedEx API Parameters
The official carrier openapi docs can be a little difficult to navigate. Below is flat list of all parameters:
.accountNumber --
.carrierCodes -- Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements.Examples of FedEx Operating Companies are:FDXE - FedEx ExpressFDXG - FedEx GroundFXSP - FedEx SmartPostFXCC - FedEx Custom Critical.
.rateRequestControlParameters --
.requestedShipment --
accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Maximum Length is 9. Example: Your account number
rateRequestControlParameters.rateSortOrder -- This is a sort order you can specify to control the order of the response data: Example: SERVICENAMETRADITIONAL - data in order of highest to lowest service (Default)COMMITASCENDING - data in order of ascending delivery committmentCOMMITDESCENDING - data in order of descending delivery committment.
rateRequestControlParameters.returnTransitTimes -- Indicate if the transit time and commit data are to be returned in the reply. Default value is false.Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.
rateRequestControlParameters.servicesNeededOnRateFailure -- Specify the services to be requested if the rate data is not available.Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.
rateRequestControlParameters.variableOptions -- Specify service options whose combinations are to be considered when replying with available services.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.shipmentPurpose -- The reason for the shipment. Note: SOLD is not a valid purpose for a Proforma Invoice.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities -- Specify the commodity details.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].countryOfManufacture -- This is a manufacturing country. Maximum field Length is 4 Example: IN
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].customsValue -- Specify the required Customs value for this commodity.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].customsValue.amount -- Indicate the amount.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].customsValue.currency -- Indicate the three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].description -- Indicate the description of the dutiable packages. Maximum Length is 450. Example: DOCUMENTS Click here to see Vague commodity descriptions
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].harmonizedCode -- This is to specify the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) code to meet U.S. and foreign governments' customs requirements. These are mainly used to estimate the duties and taxes.Example: A six digit code for Almonds fresh or dried is 080211. The HTS code for pistachios in shell is 080251. The HTS code for fish is HS203.To research the classification for your commodity, use the FedEx Global Trade Manager online at You can find the commodities and its respective codes by logging into FedEx and selecting harmonized code option. You will find country-specific information to determine whether your commodity is considered to be a document or non-document for your destination. For additional information about harmonized code, refer to harmonized code.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].name -- Indicate the Commodity nameExample: DOCUMENTS
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].numberOfPieces -- Specifies the number of pieces for this commodity.Example: 10
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].partNumber -- Specify the part number if any. Example: P1
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].quantity -- Specify the total number of units (using quantityUnits as the unit of measure) of this commodity present in the shipment. This element is used to estimate duties and taxes. Example: 1
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].quantityUnits -- Indicate quantiy unit used. Used to estimate duties and taxes Example: PCSclick here to see Commodity Unit Measures
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].unitPrice --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].unitPrice.amount -- Indicate the amount.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].unitPrice.currency -- Indicate the three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].weight -- Specify the Total weight of this commodity. This element is used to estimate duties and taxes.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].weight.units -- Specifies the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities.[].weight.value -- Specifies the package weight. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.paymentType -- Indicate the payment Type. Applicable for Express and Ground rates.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty -- These are payer details such as address, account and contacts.
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber --
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Maximum Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.freightOnValue -- Indicates Freight on value for customs.
requestedShipment.documentShipment -- Indicate whether or not its a document Shipment.
requestedShipment.edtRequestType -- edtRequestType is a optional field used to request estimated duties and taxes related information. Default value for edtRequestType would be NONE when user does not provide a value.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail --
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.PrintedReference --
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.PrintedReference.printedReferenceType -- Indicates the printed reference type.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.PrintedReference.value -- Specifies printed reference value.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.personalMessage -- Indicates the personal message to be added with the notification.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients -- The list of recipients for shipment notifications.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].emailAddress -- Identifies the email address associated with this contact.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].emailNotificationRecipientType -- Required Email Notification Recipient Type.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].locale -- Specify the locale details.Example: 'en_US'Click here to see the list of available localesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].notificationEventType -- Specifies notification event type.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].notificationFormatType -- Specifies Notification Format Type.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].notificationType -- Specifies the type of the notification received.
requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.recipients.[].smsDetail --
requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail --
requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail.bookingConfirmationNumber -- An advance booking number is optional for FedEx 1Day Freight. When you call 1.800.332.0807 to book your freight shipment, you will receive a booking number. This booking number is included in the Ship request, and prints on the shipping label
requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail.shippersLoadAndCount -- Describes the shippers loaded total package counts.
requestedShipment.groundShipment -- If set to 'true', indicates it is a Ground shipment. Example: 'false'
requestedShipment.groupShipment --
requestedShipment.packagingType -- This is the Packaging type associated with this rate. For Ground/SmartPost,it will always be YOUR_PACKAGING. For domestic Express, the packaging may have been bumped so it may not match the value specified on the request. For International Express the packaging may be bumped and not mapped.Click here to see Package Types
requestedShipment.pickupDetail --
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.buildingPart -- Specifies Building Part.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.buildingPartDescription -- Specifies Building Part Description.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.companyCloseTime -- Company Close Time
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.courierInstructions -- Specifies any courier instructions.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.earlyPickup -- Indicates if it is an early pickup. This applies only to Europe.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.geographicalPostalCode -- Geographical PostalCode
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.latestPickupDateTime -- Specify the last possible pickup time and date.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.packageLocation -- Specify the last possible pickup location.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin --
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.accountNumber --
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Maximum Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.pickupOrigin.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.readyPickupDateTime -- Indicates the date and time when the shipment/package is ready for pick up.
requestedShipment.pickupDetail.requestType -- Specify the request type.
requestedShipment.pickupType -- Indicate the pickup type method by which the shipment to be tendered to FedEx.Click here for more information on Pickup Types.
requestedShipment.preferredCurrency -- Indicate the currency the caller requests to have used in all returned monetary values (when a choice is possible). Used in conjunction with the rateRequestType data element. This element is used to pull Preferred rates.Example: USD Click here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.rateRequestType -- Indicate the type of rates to be returned.Following are values:LIST - Returns FedEx published list rates in addition to account-specific rates (if applicable).PREFERRED - Returns rates in the preferred currency specified in the element preferredCurrency.ACCOUNT - Returns account specific rates (Default).INCENTIVE - This is one-time discount for incentivising the customer. For more information, contact your FedEx representative.Examples: ["LIST","PREFERRED"]
requestedShipment.recipient -- Indicate the descriptive data for the recipient location to which the shipment is to be received.
requestedShipment.recipient.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.recipient.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.recipient.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.recipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.recipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems -- These are one or more package-attribute descriptions, each of which describes an individual package, a group of identical packages, or (for the total-piece-total-weight case) common characteristics of all packages in the shipment.At least one instance containing the weight for at least one package is required for EXPRESS and GROUND shipments.Not used for FREIGHT.Single piece requests will have one RequestedPackageLineItem.Multiple piece requests will have multiple RequestedPackageLineItems.Maximum occurrences is 99.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].contentRecord -- Specifies the content record.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].contentRecord.[].description -- Specifies description for the content record.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].contentRecord.[].itemNumber -- Specifies Item Number.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].contentRecord.[].partNumber -- Specifies Part Number.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].contentRecord.[].receivedQuantity -- Specifies Received Quantity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].declaredValue -- This is the Declared Value - represents FedEx Maximum liability in connection with a shipment of that Package, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, any failure to provide information, or misdelivery of information relating to the Shipment.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].declaredValue.amount -- Indicate the amount.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].declaredValue.currency -- Indicate the three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].dimensions --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].dimensions.height -- Indicate the height of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].dimensions.length -- Indicate the length of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 20
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].dimensions.units -- Indicate the unit of measure for the provided dimensions.Valid Values are:IN - InchesCM - Centimeters
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].dimensions.width -- Indicate the width of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].groupPackageCount -- Indicate the grouped package count. These are number of identical package(s) each with one or more commodities. Example: 2
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices -- These special services are available at the package level for some or all service types. Indicated if rate data is being requested for the special services.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.alcoholDetail --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.alcoholDetail.alcoholRecipientType -- Specify the recipient type for the alcohol shipment.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.alcoholDetail.shipperAgreementType -- Specify the shipper entity type. Example: Fulfillment house, Retailer or a Winery.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails -- Specify the details about the batteries or cells that are contained within this specific package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.[].material -- Specify the material composition of the battery or cell.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.[].packing -- Indicate the packing arrangement of the battery or cell with respect to other items within the same package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.[].regulatorySubType -- Specify the regulation specific classification for the battery or cell.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.accessibility -- Indicate the Dangerous Goods Accessibility Type. Inaccessible means it does not have to be accessible on the aircraft. Accessible means it must be fully accessible on the aircraft, and is more strictly controlled.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers -- Indicate one or more containers used to pack dangerous goods commodities.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].containerType -- Indicate the type of container.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber.areaCode -- Indicates the area code.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber.countryCode -- The two-letter code used to identify a country.Example: US
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber.extension -- Indicates the Extension.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber.localNumber -- Telephone number to use for contact in the event of an emergency.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].emergencyContactNumber.personalIdentificationNumber -- Indicates the Personal Identification Number.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities -- Specify the kinds and quantities of all hazardous commodities in the current container.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.authorization -- Information related to quantity limitations and operator or state variations as may be applicable to the dangerous goods commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.hazardClass -- Specify hazard class for commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[] -- Specifies the ID of label text.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.labelText -- Specifies the DOT diamond hazard label type. This element can also include limited quantity or exemption number.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.packingDetails --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.packingDetails.cargoAircraftOnly -- Indicates the shipment is packaged/documented for movement ONLY on cargo aircraft.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.packingDetails.packingInstructions -- Indicates the coded specification for how commodity is to be packed.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.packingGroup -- Identifies IATA packing group for a hazardous commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.percentage -- Indicates the percentage.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.processingOptions -- Indicates any special processing options to be applied to the description of the dangerous goods commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.properShippingName -- The proper shipping name as defined by the regulation.The name can also include qualifying words.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.reportableQuantity -- The element specifies the reportable quantity of the hazardous material.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.sequenceNumber -- In conjunction with the regulatory identifier, this field uniquely identifies a specific hazardous materials commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.subsidiaryClasses -- Specifies the hazardous material subsidiary classes.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].description.technicalName -- Specify the technical name for the hazardous commodity.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].innerReceptacles -- Specifies the inner receptacles within the container.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].innerReceptacles.[].quantity --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].innerReceptacles.[].quantity.amount -- Specifies amount details.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].innerReceptacles.[].quantity.quantityType -- Specifies type of a quantity unit.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].innerReceptacles.[].quantity.units -- Specify unit details.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].options --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].options.customerSuppliedLabelText -- Text used in labeling the commodity under control of the labelTextOption field.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].options.labelTextOption -- Specifies how the customer wishes the label text to be handled for this commodity in this package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].quantity --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].quantity.amount -- Specifies amount details.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].quantity.quantityType -- Specifies type of a quantity unit.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].hazardousCommodities.[].quantity.units -- Specify unit details.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].numberOfContainers -- Indicate the number of containers.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].offeror -- Specify the shipper name(offeror) or contact number. Required on all shipping papers.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].packaging --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].packaging.count -- Indicate the number and type of packaging units for dangerous goods.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].packaging.units -- Specify the unit of the package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].packingType -- Indicate the packing type used.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.containers.[].radioactiveContainerClass -- Indicate the packaging type of the container used to package the radioactive materials.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.emergencyContactNumber -- Indicate the emergency telephone/contact number.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.offeror -- Indicate the Offeror's name or contract number, per DOT regulation.Example: John Smith
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.options -- Specify the special handling requested for the package. Example: BATTERY
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.packaging --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.packaging.count -- Indicate the number and type of packaging units for dangerous goods.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.packaging.units -- Specify the unit of the package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dryIceWeight --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dryIceWeight.units -- Specifies the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.dryIceWeight.value -- Specifies the package weight. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.packageCODDetail --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.pieceCountVerificationBoxCount -- Indicate the box count used for piece count verification.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.signatureOptionType -- Type of a Signature Option.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].packageSpecialServices.specialServiceTypes -- Indicate the special services requested.Click here to see Package level Special Service Types
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].subPackagingType -- This is a physical packaging type used for the package. Click here to see sub-packaging typesFor more information on physical packaging or packaging regulatory requirements, visit or contact your FedEx representative.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail --
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue -- Indicate the Fixed value. If you choose FIXED_AMOUNT as the ChargeType, this element allows you to enter the fixed value of the handling charge. The element allows entry of 7 characters before the decimal and 2 characters following the decimal. Example - 5.00.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.amount -- Indicate the amount.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.currency -- Indicate the three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.percentValue -- Indicate the variable handling percentage. Actual percentage (10 means 10%, which is a mutiplier of 0.1).
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateElementBasis -- Indicate the rate charge on which, the variable handling amount is calculated.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateLevelType -- Specify the type of rate level is to be selected.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateType -- Specify the rate type.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].weight -- Indicate the total weight of the requested package line items.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].weight.units -- Specifies the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems.[].weight.value -- Specifies the package weight. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.serviceType -- Indicate the FedEx service type used for this shipment. The results will be filtered by the service type value indicated. If no serviceType is indicated then all the applicable services and corresponding rates will be returned.Example: STANDARD_OVERNIGHTClick here to see Service Types
requestedShipment.serviceTypeDetail --
requestedShipment.serviceTypeDetail.carrierCode -- Identifies which carrier is being described.
requestedShipment.serviceTypeDetail.description -- Description
requestedShipment.serviceTypeDetail.serviceCategory -- Service Category
requestedShipment.serviceTypeDetail.serviceName -- Service Name
requestedShipment.shipDateStamp -- Indicate the Shipment date. This is required for future ship date rates. Defaulted to current date in case if not provided or input date is a past date.The format is YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-09-06
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.accountNumber --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Maximum Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address -- -- Specify name of city, town, etc. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- The two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- Specify the postal code. This is optional for non postal- aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- Specify State or province code. Maximum length is 2. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Codes -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationId -- This is an alphanumeric identifier used for Location/Facility Identification.Example: YBZANote: For HAL Shipment, Location ID is REQUIRED to ensure packages are delivered to the right location.Use endpoint [Find Location] in [Location Search API], to find the correct location ID for your shipment.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationType -- Specify the Location Type. Example: FEDEX_ONSITE
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.homedeliveryPremiumType -- This is Home Delivery Premium Type. It allows to specify additional premimum service options for the home delivery shipment. Can specify Evening delivery or a Date certain, or can specify appointment for the delivery.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.areaCode -- Indicate the area Code for the phone number.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.countryCode -- Indicate the two-letter country code.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.extension -- Indicate the extension for the phone number.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.localNumber -- Indicate the local phone number for contacting in the event of an emergency.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.personalIdentificationNumber -- Indicate the Personal Identification Number associated with the phone number.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.shipTimestamp -- This is shipment date. Both the date and time portions of the string are expected to be used. The date should not be a past date or a date more than 10 days in the future. The time is the local time of the shipment based on the shipper's time zone.Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-06-26.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.type -- Indicate International Controlled Export Type.Example: WAREHOUSE_WITHDRAWAL
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalTrafficInArmsRegulationsDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalTrafficInArmsRegulationsDetail.licenseOrExemptionNumber -- The export or license number for the ITAR shipment.Example: 9871234
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.documentReferences -- These are Upload document details provided by the initiator of the shipment.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.documentReferences.[].customerReference -- Customer Reference
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.documentReferences.[].description -- Indicate description of the shipping documents produced for the shipper by FedEx (see ShippingDocumentSpecification) which should be copied back to the shipper in the shipment result data.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.documentReferences.[].documentId -- Specify the document ID for the uploaded document.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.documentReferences.[].documentType -- These are the type of document specified in the PendingShipment request.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.message -- customer specified message to be included in the email to the end-user.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients -- Describes specific information about the list of email label shipment reipients.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].emailAddress -- This is the placeholder for Email address of the end-user to be notified of the return label. Maximum length is 200 characters.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].locale --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[] -- This is country code.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].locale.language -- This is language code.Example: enClick here to see Locale
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].optionsRequested --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].optionsRequested.options -- Specifies the options.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients.[].role -- Specifies the role of the recipient to the pending shipment.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.expirationTimeStamp -- Specify the Email Return Label expiration date. The Maximum expiration date for an Email Return Label must be greater or equal to the day of the label request and not greater than 2 years in the future.Example: 2012-12-31.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.pendingShipmentType -- This is Pending Shipment Type. Must include the value EMAIL for email return shipments.Not applicable for other types of shipments.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.processingOptions --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.processingOptions.options -- These are Pending Shipment processing options. Example: ["ALLOW_MODIFICATIONS"]
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.recommendedDocumentSpecification --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.recommendedDocumentSpecification.types -- This is a document type.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.shipmentDryIceDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.shipmentDryIceDetail.packageCount -- This is package count.Example: 12
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.units -- Specifies the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.value -- Specifies the package weight. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnType -- The type of return shipment being requested.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.chargeLevelType -- Specify whether the charges applied on current or all packages.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.chargeType -- Specify the Charges Type.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.rateLevelType -- Specify whether the rate applied on bundle or indiividual package.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.rateType -- Specify COD Rate Type.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codCollectionType -- Indicate the type of funds FedEx should collect upon shipment delivery.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.accountNumber --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Maximum Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address -- -- Specify name of city, town, etc. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- The two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- Specify the postal code. This is optional for non postal- aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- Specify State or province code. Maximum length is 2. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Codes -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- -- Specify the First Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: John -- Specify the Last Name. Maximum Length is 35. Example: Mayor -- Specify the Middle Name. Example: Redmond -- Specify the Suffix. Example: Jr -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.remitToName -- Specifies the name of person or company receiving the secured or unsecured payment.Example: FedEx
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.returnReferenceIndicatorType -- Indicate the type of reference information to include on the COD return shipping label.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.packageCount -- This is package count.Example: 12
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight --
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.units -- Specifies the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.value -- Specifies the package weight. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.specialServiceTypes -- Indicate special services for which the rate data is being requested. Special Services are available at the shipment level for some or all service types.Example: BROKER_SELECT_OPTION Click here to see Shipment level Special Service Types
requestedShipment.shipper -- The descriptive data for the physical shipper location from which the shipment originates.
requestedShipment.shipper.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipper.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code. Maximum length is 2.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipper.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipper.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
requestedShipment.shipper.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CA Click here to see State Or Province Code
requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail --
requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.ancillaryEndorsement -- Indicate the type of ancillary endorsement. Is required for Presorted Standard but not for returns or parcel select. Note not all are usable for all ancillary endorsements.For more information, refer to the FedEx SmartPost®.
requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.hubId -- Specify the four-digit numeric Hub ID value used during rate quote for smartport shipments.Click here to see Hub Ids
requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.indicia -- Specify the indicia type.Available options include:MEDIA_MAILPARCEL_SELECT (1 LB through 70 LB)PRESORTED_BOUND_PRINTED_MATTERPRESORTED_STANDARD (less than 1 LB)PARCEL_RETURN
requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.specialServices -- Specify the special handling associated with Smartpost Shipment.Click here to see Shipment Level Special Service Types
requestedShipment.totalPackageCount -- Indicate the total number of packages in the shipment. The Maximum number of packages in a rate request is 100.
requestedShipment.totalWeight -- Specify the total weight of the shipment. This is only applies to International shipments and should be used on the first package of a multiple piece shipment. This value contains 1 explicit decimal position.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail -- Specify details on how to calculate variable handling charges at the shipment level.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue -- Indicate the Fixed value. If you choose FIXED_AMOUNT as the ChargeType, this element allows you to enter the fixed value of the handling charge. The element allows entry of 7 characters before the decimal and 2 characters following the decimal. Example - 5.00.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.amount -- Indicate the amount.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.currency -- Indicate the three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.percentValue -- Indicate the variable handling percentage. Actual percentage (10 means 10%, which is a mutiplier of 0.1).
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateElementBasis -- Indicate the rate charge on which, the variable handling amount is calculated.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateLevelType -- Specify the type of rate level is to be selected.
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateType -- Specify the rate type.
.requestedShipment --
.requestedShipment.blockInsightVisibility -- Indicate if the shipment be available to be visible/tracked using FedEx InSight® tool. If value indicated as true, only the shipper/payer will have visibility of this shipment in the FedEx InSight® tool.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.brokers -- Specify broker information. Use this option only if you are using Broker Select Option for your shipment. A country code must be specified in addition to one of the following address items: postal code, city, or location id.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.comments -- The comments that will populate the Commercial Invoice (or Pro Forma). Only the comments specified in the first two indexes of the array will be printed on the invoice and other comments would be ignored as the limitation is set for only two indexes. It considers the comment which is in the first index as a Special Instructions, Hence the comment at first index will be printed under special instructions and the other will be printed at comments section in the Commercial Invoice Document. Example: comments
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.customerReferences -- These are additional customer reference data for commercial invoice.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.declarationStatement -- This is the declaration statement which will populate the Commercial Invoice (or Pro Forma).Maximum length is 554.Example: declarationStatement
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.emailNotificationDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.emailNotificationDetail.emailAddress -- This is email Address.Example:
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.emailNotificationDetail.recipientType -- Specify the recipient Type.Example: SHIPPER/BROKER
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.emailNotificationDetail.type -- Specify the email status.Example: EMAILED
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.freightCharge -- Indicate the freight charge.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.freightCharge.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.freightCharge.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.handlingCosts -- Indicate the handling cost.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.handlingCosts.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.handlingCosts.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.originatorName -- The originator name that will populate the Commercial Invoice (or Pro Forma).
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.packingCosts -- Indicate the packing cost.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.packingCosts.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.packingCosts.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.shipmentPurpose -- This is the reason for the shipment. Note: SOLD is not a valid purpose for a Proforma Invoice.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.specialInstructions -- These are special instructions that will be populated on the Commercial Invoice (or Pro Forma).Example: specialInstructions
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.taxesOrMiscellaneousCharge -- Indicate the taxes or miscellaneous charges(other than freight charges or insurance charges) that are associated with the shipment.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.taxesOrMiscellaneousCharge.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.taxesOrMiscellaneousCharge.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.taxesOrMiscellaneousChargeType -- Indicate the type of taxes Or miscellaneous charge.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commercialInvoice.termsOfSale -- Specify terms Of Sale that will be populated on the Commercial Invoice (or Pro Forma). Maximum length is 3Valid values are:FCA/FOB (Free Carrier/Free On Board): Seller is responsible for all costs of delivering goods to destination. (Default)CIP (Costs, Insurance Paid): Seller is responsible for miscellaneous charges to destination.CPT (Carriage Paid To): Buyer is responsible for insurance.EXW (Ex Works): Seller makes goods available to buyer. Buyer is responsible for delivering goods to destination.DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid): Seller is responsible for delivering goods to destination. Buyer is responsible for clearing goods through Bureau of Customs and Border Protection.DDP (Delivered Duty Paid): Seller is responsible for delivering goods to destination, including duties, taxes, and miscellaneous fees.DAP (Delivered at Place): Seller pays for carriage to the named place, except for costs related to import clearance, and assumes all risks prior to the point that the goods are ready for unloading by the buyer.DPU(Deliver at Place of Unloading)
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.commodities -- Indicates the details about the dutiable packages. Maximum upto 999 commodities per shipment.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.customsOption --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.customsOption.description -- Specify additional description about customs options. This is a required field when the Type is OTHER.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.customsOption.type -- Specify the reason for a global return, as recognized by Customs. Valid values:COURTESY_RETURN_LABEL: Applicable for Outbound shipments.EXHIBITION_TRADE_SHOW: For exhibition or trade-show, outbound and inbound.FAULTY_ITEM: For faulty item being returned, inbound only.FOLLOWING_REPAIR: For repaired or processed item being sent, outbound only.FOR_REPAIR: For repair or processing, outbound and inbound.ITEM_FOR_LOAN: For loan item, outbound and inbound.OTHER: Other reason, outbound and inbound. This type requires a description.REJECTED: For rejected merchandise being returned, inbound.REPLACEMENT: For replacement being sent, outbound only.TRIAL: For use in a trial, outbound and inbound.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.declarationStatementDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.declarationStatementDetail.usmcaLowValueStatementDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.declarationStatementDetail.usmcaLowValueStatementDetail.countryOfOriginLowValueDocumentRequested -- Specify the country Of Origin of Low Value Document for Customs declaration.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.declarationStatementDetail.usmcaLowValueStatementDetail.customsRole -- Specify the shipper role for Customs declaration.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.accountNickname -- This is account nick name.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.accountNumber -- This is bill to account number.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.accountNumberCountryCode -- This is the country code of the account number.Example: CA
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.aliasId -- This is bill to alias identifier.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.billingCode -- Indicates a billing code.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.billingDetails.billingType -- These are duties and taxes billing type.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.paymentType -- This is a payment type, basically indicates who is the payor for the shipment.Required for Express and Ground.The payment type COLLECT is applicable only for Ground shipments.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber.value -- The account number value.Value is required if the paymentType is RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY or COLLECT.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name.Note: This is conditional and not required in all the requests.Note: It is recommended for Express shipments for the most accurate ODA and OPA surcharges.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: CAclick here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: [10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302, .etc.] -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation for the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number.Note: Recommended length is 15. There's no specific validation for the fax number. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person name.Recommended length is 70. Note: There's no specific validation for the person name. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Note: Recommended length is 6. There's no specific validation for the phone extension. Example: 1234 -- Contact person's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.dutiesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.b13AFilingOption -- Specify the filing option being exercised. Required for non-document shipments originating in Canada destinated for any country other than Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.destinationControlDetail --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.destinationControlDetail.destinationCountries -- Specify DCS shipment destination country. You may enter up to four country codes in this element. Up to 11 alphanumeric characters are allowed.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.destinationControlDetail.endUser -- Specify End User name. Its is required if StatementTypes is entered as DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE. Example: John Wick
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.destinationControlDetail.statementTypes -- Specify appropriate destination control statement type(s), Also make sure to specify destination country and end user.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.exportComplianceStatement -- For US export shipments requiring an EEI, enter the ITN number received from AES when you filed your shipment or the FTR (Foreign Trade Regulations) exemption number.The proper format for an ITN number is AES XYYYYMMDDNNNNNN where YYYYMMDD is date and NNNNNN are numbers generated by the AES. Example: AESX20220714987654Note: The ITN or FTR exemption number you submit in the ship request prints on the international shipping label.For CA export shipments,it can be Proof of report number(15-32 alphanumeric) , Summary proof of report number(7-32 alphanumeric) or Exemption number(2 digit) based on the selected b13AFilingOption.Example: 98765432107654321(POR number), 7654321(Summary POR number) and 02(Exemption number).
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.exportDetail.permitNumber -- This is a Permit Number. This field is applicable only to Canada export non-document shipments of any value to any destination. No special characters are allowed. Example: 12345
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.freightOnValue -- Specify the risk owner for the Freight shipment.This element is only mandatory or valid for Intra India shipments.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.generatedDocumentLocale -- This is the locale for generated document.Example: en_USclick here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord -- The descriptive data for the importer of Record for the shipment and their physical address, contact and account number information.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.accountNumber --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.accountNumber.value -- The account number value.Value is required if the paymentType is RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY or COLLECT.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.importerOfRecord.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.insuranceCharge -- Specify insurance charges if applicable. Note: FedEx does not provide insurance of any kind.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.insuranceCharge.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.insuranceCharge.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.isDocumentOnly -- Used to specify if a shipment is document shipment or not. Used only for International Express document shipments. Default value is false.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.partiesToTransactionAreRelated -- Specify if the transacting parties are related.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.recipientCustomsId --
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.recipientCustomsId.type -- This is ID Type.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.recipientCustomsId.value -- This is the ID number.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.regulatoryControls -- These are the regulatory controls applicable to the shipment.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.totalCustomsValue -- This is the total customs value.
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.totalCustomsValue.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.customsClearanceDetail.totalCustomsValue.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail --
.requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.aggregationType -- This is the shipment Notification Aggregation Type.
.requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.emailNotificationRecipients -- These are email notification recipient details.
.requestedShipment.emailNotificationDetail.personalMessage -- This is your personal message for the email.Note: The maximum personal message character limit depends on the element notificationFormatType values:If notificationFormatType is TEXT, then only 120 characters printed on the emailIf notificationFormatType is HTML, then 500 characters printed on the emailExample: This is concerning the order 123456 of 26 July 2021 - art no 34324-23 Teddy Bear, brown
.requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail --
.requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail.bookingConfirmationNumber -- This is an advanced booking number that must be acquired through the appropriate channel in the shipment origin country. Without the booking number pickup and space allocation for the Express Freight shipment are not guaranteed. Minimum length: 5 digits Maximum length: 12 digits Example: XXXX56789812
.requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail.packingListEnclosed -- This indicates whether or not the Packing List is enclosed with the shipment. A packing list is a document that includes details about the contents of a package. Example: true
.requestedShipment.expressFreightDetail.shippersLoadAndCount -- Indicates the content of a container were loaded and counted by the shipper.Minimum length: 1 digits Maximum length: 5 digits Example: If a skid has 32 small boxes on it that are shrinkwrapped, the shippersLoadAndCount should be “32”
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.additionalLabels -- Specify how the additional details to be provided on the labels.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification.dataField -- Indicate the path request/reply element to be printed on doc tab.Example:REQUEST/SHIPMENT/ShipTimestampREQUEST/PACKAGE/weight/ValueREQUEST/PACKAGE/InsuredValue/AmountREQUEST/SHIPMENT/SpecialServicesRequested/CodDetail/CodCollectionAmount/AmountREQUEST/SHIPMENT/Shipper/Address/StreetLines[1]CLIENT/MeterNumberTRANSACTION/CustomerTransactionIdREQUEST/SHIPMENT/TotalWeight/ValueREQUEST/SHIPMENT/ShipTimestampREQUEST/SHIPMENT/Recipient/Contact/PersonNameREPLY/SHIPMENT/OperationalDetail/DeliveryDateREPLY/PACKAGE/RATE/ACTUAL/BaseCharge/AmountREPLY/PACKAGE/RATE/ACTUAL/TotalFreightDiscounts/AmountREPLY/PACKAGE/RATE/ACTUAL/TotalSurcharges/AmountREPLY/PACKAGE/RATE/ACTUAL/NetCharge/AmountREPLY/SHIPMENT/RATES/PAYOR_ACCOUNT/TotalSurcharges/Amount
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification.header -- Indicates the parameter name in the header for the doc tab zone.Example: WHT
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification.justification -- Indicates the justification format for the string.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification.literalValue -- Indicates the actual data to be printed in the label
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.specification.zoneNumber -- It is a non-negative integer that represents the portion of doc-tab in a label.Example: 1
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.barcoded.symbology -- Indicates the type of barcode symbology used on FedEx documents and labels.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.docTabContentType -- Indicates the content type of the doc tab.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.zone001 --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.docTabContent.zone001.docTabZoneSpecifications -- Indicate the doc tab specifications for the individual doc tab zone on the label.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.maskedData -- Specify which data/sections on the label to be masked.Note: SECONDARY_BARCODE – This is used for Smartpost shipment labels.SHIPPER_INFORMATION – This is used for Third Party Consignee, Intra-UK shipments.TOTAL_WEIGHT – This replaces the Total weight with Actual Weight in Master label and AWB copies.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.customerSpecifiedDetail.regulatoryLabels -- Specify how the regulatory details to be provided on the labels.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.imageType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.labelFormatType -- Specify the label Format here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.labelOrder -- This is the order of the Shipping label/documents to be generated.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.labelPrintingOrientation -- This is applicable only to documents produced on thermal printers with roll stock.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.labelRotation -- This is applicable only to documents produced on thermal printers with roll stock.
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.labelStockType -- Indicate the label stock type used. click here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin --
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name.Note: This is conditional and not required in all the requests.Note: It is recommended for Express shipments for the most accurate ODA and OPA surcharges.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: CAclick here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.printedLabelOrigin.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: [10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302, .etc.] -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation for the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number.Note: Recommended length is 15. There's no specific validation for the fax number. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person name.Recommended length is 70. Note: There's no specific validation for the person name. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Note: Recommended length is 6. There's no specific validation for the phone extension. Example: 1234 -- Contact person's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.labelSpecification.returnedDispositionDetail -- Specify whether or not the return deposition is needed.
.requestedShipment.masterTrackingId --
.requestedShipment.masterTrackingId.formId -- This is FedEx tracking Identifier associated with the package.Example: 8600
.requestedShipment.masterTrackingId.trackingIdType -- Specify the FedEx transportation type. Example: EXPRESS
.requestedShipment.masterTrackingId.trackingNumber -- This is the number associated with the package that is used to track it.For child shipment of an oneLabelAtATime shipments,this should be same as the masterTrackingNumber of the parent shipment. Example: 49XXX0000XXX20032835
.requestedShipment.masterTrackingId.uspsApplicationId -- Specify the USPS tracking Identifier associated with FedEx SmartPost shipment.Example: 92
.requestedShipment.origin -- Indicate shipment origin address information, if it is different from the shipper address.
.requestedShipment.origin.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name.Note: This is conditional and not required in all the requests.Note: It is recommended for Express shipments for the most accurate ODA and OPA surcharges.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.origin.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.origin.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.origin.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.origin.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: CAclick here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.origin.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: [10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302, .etc.] -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation for the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number.Note: Recommended length is 15. There's no specific validation for the fax number. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person name.Recommended length is 70. Note: There's no specific validation for the person name. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Note: Recommended length is 6. There's no specific validation for the phone extension. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers. Note: Recommended Maximum length is 15 and there's no specific validation will be done for the phone number. Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.packagingType -- Specify the packaging used.Note: For Express Freight shipments, the packaging will default to YOUR_PACKAGING irrespective of the user provided package type in the request.Example: FEDEX_PAKclick here to see Package Types
.requestedShipment.pickupType -- Indicate the pickup type method by which the shipment to be tendered to FedEx.Click here for more information on Pickup Types.
.requestedShipment.preferredCurrency -- Indicate the currency the caller requests to have used in all returned monetary values. Should be Used in conjunction with the element RateRequestType.Example: USDclick here to see available Currency codesNote: Incorrect currency codes should not be supplied. The system ignores the incorrect currency code.
.requestedShipment.rateRequestType -- Indicate the type of rates to be returned. The account specific rates are returned by default if the account number is specified in the request.Following are values:LIST - Returns FedEx published list rates in addition to account-specific rates (if applicable).INCENTIVE - This is one-time discount for incentivising the customer. For more information, contact your FedEx representative.ACCOUNT - Returns account specific rates (Default).PREFERRED - Returns rates in the preferred currency specified in the element preferredCurrency.RETAIL - Returns customer rate from one of retail FedEx service centers.Examples: ["ACCOUNT", "PREFERRED"]
.requestedShipment.recipientLocationNumber -- A unique identifier for a recipient location.
.requestedShipment.recipients -- Indicate the descriptive data for the recipient location to which the shipment is to be received.
.requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems -- These are one or more package-attribute descriptions, each of which describes an individual package, a group of identical packages, or (for the total-piece-total-weight case) common characteristics of all packages in the shipment.At least one instance containing the weight for at least one package is required for EXPRESS and GROUND shipments.Single piece requests will have one RequestedPackageLineItem.Multiple piece requests will have multiple RequestedPackageLineItems.Maximum occurrences is 30.
.requestedShipment.serviceType -- Indicate the FedEx service type used for this shipment.Example: STANDARD_OVERNIGHTclick here to see Service Types
.requestedShipment.shipDatestamp -- This is the shipment date. Default value is current date in case the date is not provided or a past date is provided.Format [YYYY-MM-DD].Example: 2019-10-14
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient -- The descriptive data for the recipient of the shipment and the physical location for the shipment destination.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.deliveryInstructions -- Specify the delivery instructions to be added with the shipment. Use with Ground Home Delivery.Example: Delivery Instructions
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail.recipient.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.etdDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.etdDetail.attachedDocuments -- Use this object to specify the details regarding already uploded document(s). This object is required if the documents are uploaded Pre-Shipment uploaded documents. It is recommended to provide values for all elements under this object.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.etdDetail.attributes -- Use this attribute to specify if the Trade documents will be uploaded post the shipment.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.etdDetail.requestedDocumentTypes -- Indicate the types of shipping documents produced for the shipper by FedEx. The types of shipping documents are copied back to the shipper in the shipment result data.Note: For more information document types, refer business overview topic - Shipping and Customs Documents.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name.Note: This is conditional and not required in all the requests.Note: It is recommended for Express shipments for the most accurate ODA and OPA surcharges.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: CAclick here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: [10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302, .etc.] -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation for the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number.Note: Recommended length is 15. There's no specific validation for the fax number. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person name.Recommended length is 70. Note: There's no specific validation for the person name. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Note: Recommended length is 6. There's no specific validation for the phone extension. Example: 1234 -- Contact person's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationId -- This is an alphanumeric identifier used for Location/Facility Identification.Example: YBZANote: For HAL Shipment, Location ID is REQUIRED to ensure packages are delivered to the right location.Use endpoint [Find Location] in [Location Search API], to find the correct location ID for your shipment.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.holdAtLocationDetail.locationType -- Specifies the type of facility at which package/shipment is to be held.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.deliveryDate -- This is delivery date. Required for FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery. Valid dates are Monday to Sunday. There may be a delay in delivery on Sundays to locations that are geographically difficult to access.Example: 2019-06-26
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.homedeliveryPremiumType -- This is Home Delivery Premium Type. It allows to specify additional premimum service options for the home delivery shipment. Can specify Evening delivery or a Date certain, or can specify appointment for the delivery.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.areaCode -- Indicate the area code for the phone number.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.extension -- Indicate the extension for the phone number.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.localNumber -- Indicate the local phone number for contacting in the event of an emergency. Maximum length is 10.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.phoneNumber.personalIdentificationNumber -- Indicate the Personal Identification Number associated with the phone number.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.entryNumber -- Indicate Entry Number for the export.Example: 125
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.foreignTradeZoneCode -- Indicate the Foreign Trade Zone Code.Example: US
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.licenseOrPermitExpirationDate -- Indicate the expiration date for the license or permit. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.Example: "2019-12-03"
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.licenseOrPermitNumber -- Indicate License Or Permit Number for the commodity being exported.Example: 11
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalControlledExportDetail.type -- Indicate International Controlled Export Type.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalTrafficInArmsRegulationsDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.internationalTrafficInArmsRegulationsDetail.licenseOrExemptionNumber -- The export or license number for the ITAR shipment.Minimum length is 5 characters.Maximum length is 21 characters.Example: 9871234
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.attachedDocuments -- These are the reference document details with the shipment.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.message -- This is an optional personalized message to be included in the email to the recipient.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.emailLabelDetail.recipients -- This is Email label recipient email address, shipment role, & language locale details. Atleast one entry must be specified.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.expirationTimeStamp -- This is the Email Label expiration date. The maximum expiration date for an Email Return Label must be greater of equal to the day of the label request and not greater than 2 years in the future.Example: 2020-01-01
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.pendingShipmentType -- This is Pending Shipment Type. Must include the value 'EMAIL' for email return shipments.Not applicable for other types of shipments.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.processingOptions --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.processingOptions.options -- These are processing options.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.recommendedDocumentSpecification --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.pendingShipmentDetail.recommendedDocumentSpecification.types -- This is the recommended document here to see shipment document type
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnAssociationDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnAssociationDetail.shipDatestamp -- This is the ship date for the outbound shipment associated with a return shipment. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-10-01
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnAssociationDetail.trackingNumber -- This is the tracking number associated with this package.Example: 49XXX0000XXX20032835
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnEmailDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnEmailDetail.allowedSpecialService -- Indicate the allowed (merchant-authorized) special services which may be selected when the subsequent shipment is created.Only services represented in EmailLabelAllowedSpecialServiceType will be controlled by this list.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnEmailDetail.merchantPhoneNumber -- This is the merchant phone number and required for Email Return Labels.Example: 19012635656
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.returnType -- This is the return Type. Required to be set to PRINT_RETURN_LABEL for printed return label shipments. For email return label shipments returnType must be set to PENDING and pendingShipmentDetail must be set to EMAIL.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.rma --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.returnShipmentDetail.rma.reason -- Specify the reason for the return. Note: There is no validation for reason. Recommended length is 60 alpha-numeric charactersExample: Wrong color or size.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.chargeLevelType -- Specify which level the charges to be applied.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.chargeType -- Specify Charge type.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.rateLevelType -- Specify which level the rate to be applied.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.addTransportationChargesDetail.rateType -- Specify the Rate Type used.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codCollectionAmount -- Indicate the COD collection amount.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codCollectionAmount.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codCollectionAmount.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codCollectionType -- Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon shipment delivery
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient -- Descriptive data of the Cash On Delivery along with their details of the physical location.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.accountNumber --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.accountNumber.value -- The account number value.Value is required if the paymentType is RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY or COLLECT.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.codRecipient.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name.Note: This is conditional and not required in all the requests.Note: It is recommended for Express shipments for the most accurate ODA and OPA surcharges.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10. Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: CAclick here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.financialInstitutionContactAndAddress.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: [10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302, .etc.] -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation for the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact fax number.Note: Recommended length is 15. There's no specific validation for the fax number. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person name.Recommended length is 70. Note: There's no specific validation for the person name. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Note: Recommended length is 6. There's no specific validation for the phone extension. Example: 1234 -- Contact person's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.remitToName -- Specify the name of the person or company receiving the secured/unsecured funds payment.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.returnReferenceIndicatorType -- Indicate return reference type information to include on the COD return shipping label.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.shipmentCodAmount -- Indicate the COD amount for this shipment.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.shipmentCodAmount.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentCODDetail.shipmentCodAmount.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.packageCount -- Indicates the total number of packages in the shipment that contain dry ice.Example: 12
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight --
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.units -- This is the package weight unit. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.value -- Weight Value. Example: 68.25Click here to see Weight Values.
.requestedShipment.shipmentSpecialServices.specialServiceTypes -- Special services requested for the shipment.Example: HOLD_AT_LOCATIONRETURN_SHIPMENTBROKER_SELECT_OPTIONCALL_BEFORE_DELIVERYCODCUSTOM_DELIVERY_WINDOWclick here to see Shipment Special Service Types
.requestedShipment.shipper -- Indicate the Shipper contact details for this shipment.
.requestedShipment.shipper.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shipper.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shipper.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shipper.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shipper.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shipper.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shipper.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment --
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.paymentType -- Specifies the payment Type. Note: This is required for Express, Ground and SmartPost shipments. The payment type COLLECT is applicable only for Ground shipments.
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor --
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty --
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber --
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.accountNumber.value -- The account number value.Value is required if the paymentType is RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY or COLLECT.
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shippingChargesPayment.payor.responsibleParty.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.customerImageUsages -- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.certificateOfOrigin.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.customerImageUsages -- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.commercialInvoiceDetail.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.generalAgencyAgreementDetail.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.customerImageUsages -- Specify the use and identification of supplied images to be used on document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.op900Detail.signatureName -- Indicates the name to be printed as signature on the document instead of (or in addition to) a signature image.Example: John Hill
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.customText -- Specify additional information (text) to be inserted into the return document.Example: This is additional text printed on Return Label
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Details on creating, organizing, and returning the document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Use this element to indicate whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.returnInstructionsDetail.documentFormat.stockType -- Specify the label stock here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.shippingDocumentTypes -- Indicates the types of shipping documents requested.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.blanketPeriod --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.blanketPeriod.begins -- Indicates the start date.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.blanketPeriod.ends -- Indicates the end date.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.certifierJobTitle -- Specify the job title of the certifier
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.certifierSpecification -- This is certifier specification.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.customerImageUsages -- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.importerSpecification -- This is importer specification.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.geographicCoordinates -- Indicates the geographic coordinates. example: geographicCoordinates
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code.This is Optional for non postal-aware countries.Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation of the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact person's fax number. Maximum length is 15. -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports Maximum as 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers. Note: Recommended Maximum length is 15 and there's no specific validation will be done for the phone number. Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCertificationOfOriginDetail.producerSpecification -- This is producer specification.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.certifierJobTitle -- Specify the job title of the certifier
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.certifierSpecification -- This is certifier specification.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.customerImageUsages -- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.dispositions -- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.docType -- Specify the image format used for a shipping here to see label format types
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.locale -- These are locale details.example: 'en_US'click here to see LocalesNote: If the locale is left blank or an invalid locale is entered, an error message is returned in response.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.optionsRequested.options -- Indicates the format options. SUPPRESS_ADDITIONAL_LANGUAGES value will suppress English language if another language is specified in the language code field.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.provideInstructions -- Indicates whether or not to provide the instructions.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.documentFormat.stockType -- Indicate the used label stock type. Note to list the correct type of paper for the freight address label option.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.importerSpecification -- This is importer specification.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer --
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address -- -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.geographicCoordinates -- Indicates the geographic coordinates. example: geographicCoordinates
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code.This is Optional for non postal-aware countries.Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name.Recommended length is 35.Note: There's no specific validation of the company name. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact person's fax number. Maximum length is 15. -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports Maximum as 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers. Note: Recommended Maximum length is 15 and there's no specific validation will be done for the phone number. Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producer.tins -- This is the tax identification number details.
.requestedShipment.shippingDocumentSpecification.usmcaCommercialInvoiceCertificationOfOriginDetail.producerSpecification -- This is producer specification.
.requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail --
.requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.ancillaryEndorsement -- Indicate the type of ancillary endorsement. Is required for Presorted Standard but not for returns or parcel select. Note: Not all are usable for all ancillary endorsements.For more information, refer to the FedEx SmartPost®.
.requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.hubId -- Specify the four-digit numeric Hub ID value used for smartport here to see Hub Ids
.requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.indicia -- Specify the indicia type.Available options include:MEDIA_MAILPARCEL_SELECT (1 LB through 70 LB)PRESORTED_BOUND_PRINTED_MATTERPRESORTED_STANDARD (less than 1 LB)PARCEL_RETURN
.requestedShipment.smartPostInfoDetail.specialServices -- Specify the special handling associated with Smartpost Shipment.
.requestedShipment.soldTo -- Will indicate the party responsible for purchasing the goods shipped from the shipper to the recipient. The sold to party is not necessarily the recipient or the importer of record. The sold to party is relevant when the purchaser, rather than the recipient determines when certain customs regulations apply.
.requestedShipment.soldTo.accountNumber -- Identification of a specific FedEx customer account.
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address -- -- The name of city, town of the recipient.Max length is 35.Example: Beverly Hills
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address.countryCode -- This is the two-letter country code.Maximum length is 2.Example: USclick here to see Country codes
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address.postalCode -- This is the postal code.Note: This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Maximum length is 10.Example: 65247click here to see Postal aware countries
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for state or province code.Example: here to see State or Province Code
.requestedShipment.soldTo.address.streetLines -- This is the combination of number, street name, etc. Maximum length per line is 35.Example: 10 FedEx Parkway, Suite 302.Note:At least one line is required.Streetlines more than 3 will be ignored.Empty lines should not be includedFor SmartPost Shipments, only 30 characters from the individual street lines will be printed on the labels. -- -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact name. Maximum length is 70. Note: Either the companyName or personName is mandatory. Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- The shipper's phone number. Minimum length is 10 and supports maximum of 15 for certain countries using longer phone numbers.Note: For US and CA, a phone number must have exactly 10 digits, plus an optional leading country code of '1' or '+1'.Example: 918xxxxx890
.requestedShipment.soldTo.tins -- Used for adding the tax id
.requestedShipment.totalDeclaredValue -- It is the sum of all declared values of all packages in a shipment. The amount of totalDeclaredValue must be equal to the sum of all the individual declaredValues in the shipment. The declaredValue and totalDeclaredValue must match in all currencies in one shipment. This value represents FedEx maximum liability associated with a shipment. This is including, but not limited to any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, any failure to provide information, or misdelivery of information related to the Shipment.Note: The totalDeclaredValue should not exceed customsValue.
.requestedShipment.totalDeclaredValue.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.totalDeclaredValue.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.totalPackageCount -- For an MPS, this is the total number of packages in the shipment.Applicable for parent shipment for one label at a time shipments. Example: 25
.requestedShipment.totalWeight -- Indicate the shipment total weight in pounds.Example: 10.6Note: This only applies to International shipments and should be used on the first package of a multiple piece shipment.This value contains 1 explicit decimal position.For one Label at a time shipments, the unit of totalWeight is considered same as the unit of weight provided in requestedPackageLineItem field.
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail --
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue -- This is to specify a fixed handling charge on the shipment. The element allows entry of 7 characters before the decimal and 2 characters following the decimal. Example: 5.00.
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.amount -- This is the amount. Maximum limit is 5 digits before decimal.Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency codes
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.percentValue -- This is the variable handling percentage. If the percent value is mentioned as 10, it means 10%(multiplier of 0.1).Example: 12.45
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateElementBasis -- Specify the charge type upon which the variable handling percentage amount is calculated.
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateLevelType -- Specifies if the rate level type is either Individual or Bundled.
.requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateType -- This is the rate type used for this package.
.includeDetailedScans -- Indicates if detailed scans are requested or not. Valid values are True, or False.
.trackingInfo -- The tracking information of the shipment to be tracked. At least one occurrence of TrackingInfo is required. Maximum limit is 30.
trackingInfo.[].shipDateBegin -- ShipDateBegin and ShipDateEnd are recommended to narrow the search, reduce lookup time, and avoid duplicates when searching for a specific tracking number within a specific date range. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2020-03-29
trackingInfo.[].shipDateEnd -- ShipDateBegin and ShipDateEnd are recommended to narrow the search, reduce lookup time, and avoid duplicates when searching for a specific tracking number within a specific date range. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2020-04-01
trackingInfo.[].trackingNumberInfo --
trackingInfo.[].trackingNumberInfo.carrierCode -- This is a placeholder to provide the FedEx operating company (transportation) code used for package delivery. Example: FDXE
trackingInfo.[].trackingNumberInfo.trackingNumber -- This is a Tracking number for FedEx packages used for tracking a single package or group of packages. Example: 128667043726Click here to see Mock Tracking Numbers.
trackingInfo.[].trackingNumberInfo.trackingNumberUniqueId -- Unique identifier used to distinguish duplicate FedEx tracking numbers. This value will be set by FedEx systems. Example: 245822\~123456789012\~FDEG
Address Validate
.addressesToValidate -- Indicate the address to be validated and resolved. This includes the address details, such as streetline, state or province code, country code and postal code. Note: Up to 100 of these can be submitted in a single request.
.inEffectAsOfTimestamp -- This can be used to request the characteristics of an address had at a particular time in history. This defaults to current date time (of the Address Validation System). This is useful because the AddressValidation database is dynamic and stores historical data. Characteristics such as Business/Residential indicator may change over time. Example: 2019-09-06
.validateAddressControlParameters --
addressesToValidate.[].address --
addressesToValidate.[].address.addressVerificationId -- Specify the Address Verification ID. The recommended length is 20 characters.
addressesToValidate.[] -- Indicate the name of city, town, etc.Note: City is mandatory, When postalcode is not provided and includeResolutionTokens value is true in the request.
addressesToValidate.[].address.countryCode -- Specify the ISO Alpha2 code of the country.Example: US Click here to see Country Codes
addressesToValidate.[].address.postalCode -- Indicate the Postal Code which is an identification code of a region (usually small) for easier and accurate mail/package delivery. The format and presence of this field may vary depending on the country. Example: 75063-8659Click here to see Postal Code
addressesToValidate.[].address.stateOrProvinceCode -- Indicate the State or Province codes. The Format and presence of this field may vary depending on the country.Example: TX Click here to see State Or Province Code
addressesToValidate.[].address.streetLines -- Indicate the combination of number, street name. etc. Example: ["7372 PARKRIDGE BLVD", "APT 286, 2903 sprank"].Note:At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included.Maximum up to three lines & no error check if entered more than this limit.Recommended limit per line is 35 characters.
addressesToValidate.[].address.urbanizationCode -- Indicate urbanization Code. This is optional and only relevant and needed for addresses in Puerto Rico, where multiple addresses within the same postal code can have the same house number and street name. Example : EXT VISTA BELLA
validateAddressControlParameters.includeResolutionTokens -- Use this to request detailed information of the address components once the validation is complete. The details specify the changes made to each address component to resolve the address.
Validate Postal
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.carrierCode -- Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements. Examples of FedEx Operating Companies are: FDXE - FedEx Express, FDXG - FedEx Ground, FXSP - FedEx SmartPost, FXCC - FedEx Custom Critical.
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.countryCode -- The two-letter code used to identify a country. Example:US
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is the state or province code. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country. Example: US
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.postalCode -- Identification code of a region (usally small) for easier and accurate mail/package delivery. The format and presence of this field may vary depending on the country. Example: 75063-8659
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.shipDate -- Specify the date on which the package is to be shipped. The specified date should not be the current date or any date, 10 days after the current date. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD. Example: 2019-10-04
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.routingCode -- Specify the routing code for the shipment. Routing code is the information that identifies the route the package or shipment may take. Example: Memphis 38017 - HKA/NQA
FullSchema-ValidatePostal.checkForMismatch -- This element checks for mismatch between State/Province Code and Postal Code. When the checkForMismatch is set TRUE, for U.S. and Canada: The values in State/Province Code are checked with respect to Postal Code provided. If these entries are valid, the response provides respective State/Province Code and Postal Code. In case of mismatch of Postal Code and State/Province Code an error message is displayed. When the checkForMismatch is set FALSE, for U.S. and Canada: The values in State/Province Code are not checked with respect to Postal Code provided. Instead the given data is reflected in the response. For regions other than U.S and Canada regardless of the value of checkForMismatch the State/Province Code are checked with respect to the Postal Code and the response provides the respective State/Province Code and Postal Code.
CountryCXSResponseVO.transactionId -- The transaction ID is special set of number that allows FedEx customer to assign a unique identifier to their each transaction. Helps in matching requests to reply. Max 40 characters. Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492
CountryCXSResponseVO.customerTransactionId -- This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. Example: AnyCo_order123456789
ValidatePostalOutputVO.countryCode -- The two-letter code used to identify a country. Example:US
ValidatePostalOutputVO.cityFirstInitials -- Initials of the City
ValidatePostalOutputVO.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is the state or province code. Format and presence of this element will vary, depending on country. Max length is 2. Example: US
ValidatePostalOutputVO.alerts -- This object specifies Alert details returned in the reply such as code, message and any other parameters.
ValidatePostalOutputVO.locationDescriptions -- This object specifies location details returned in the reply such as location ID, service area and airport ID etc.
ValidatePostalOutputVO.cleanedPostalCode -- This is a cleaned postal code returned in the reply. Example: 94267
Alert.code -- Specifies the API alert code. Example: CITYNAME.POSTALCODE.REQUIRED
Alert.alertType -- Specifies the alert type.
Alert.parameterList -- List of parameters which indicates the properties of the alert message.
Alert.message -- This is the alert message. Example: We are unable to process this request. Please try again later or contact FedEx Customer Service.
Parameter.value -- Identifies the error option to be applied.
Parameter.key -- Indicates the value associated with the key.
LocationDescription.locationId -- Location id of the postal code provided. Example: MAAPD
LocationDescription.locationNumber -- Location number of the postal code provided. Example: 6955
LocationDescription.serviceArea -- Service area of the postal code provided. Example: AA
LocationDescription.airportId -- Airport Id of the postal code provided. Example: BLR
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.associatedAccountNumber -- This is the FedEx account number. Example: Your account number
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.originDetail -- The origin address if different than the one associated with the shipper account. This element value is required when the package is to be picked up from an address other than the shipper account address.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.associatedAccountNumberType -- This enumeration represents a kind of legacy account number from a FedEx operating entity for the account number associated to the pickup. Valid values are: FEDEX_EXPRESS FEDEX_GROUND
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.totalWeight -- Specify The total weight of the packages for the pickup. Unit of measure is LB.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.packageCount -- Specify the total number of packages for the pickup. Example: 5
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.carrierCode -- Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements. Examples of FedEx Operating Comapnies are : FDXE- FedEx Express FDXG- FedEx Ground
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.accountAddressOfRecord -- The city name, state or province code and the address classification associated with the customer account which requested the pickup.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.remarks -- Placeholder for any message to be passed to the FedEx pickup courier. Note:Maximum length is 60 characters. Example: Please ring bell at loading dock.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.countryRelationships -- Describes the country relationship among the shipments being picked up. This element is not mandatory for this request, but when added, the mandatory values are DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL. Empty or incorrect values will result in to errors.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.pickupType -- Indicate the pickup type method by which the shipment to be tendered to FedEx. Note: The value of this element does not specify dispatching the courier for package pickup. Example: ON_CALL, PACKAGE_RETURN_PROGRAM, REGULAR_STOP Click here for more information on Pickup Types.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.trackingNumber -- This is a Tracking number for FedEx packages used for tracking a single package or group of packages. Example: 795803657326 Click here to see mock tracking numbers for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.commodityDescription -- Description of the commodity being shipped. Example:This field contains Commodity Description. Click here to see Vague commodity descriptions
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.expressFreightDetail -- Placeholder for Express Freight pickup details.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.oversizePackageCount -- Specify the number of oversize packages that are tendered to FedEx Ground.
Full_Schema_Create_Pickup.pickupNotificationDetail --
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.pickupAddress -- Specify the address for which pickup availability inquiry has been made.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.dispatchDate -- Specify the date the package is to be picked up. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. If left blank, the system considers current date as dispatch date. Example: 2020-01-01
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.packageReadyTime -- Specify the time that the package will be ready for pickup. The time format is HH:MM:SS and it refers to the local timezone. The driver should pick up the package/shipment by the given pickup time. Example: 15:00:00
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.customerCloseTime -- Specify the latest time the driver gets access to pick up the package. The time format is in HH:MM:SS and it refers to the local timezone. The driver should pick up the package by the given pickup time. Example: 18:00:00
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.pickupType -- Indicate the pickup type method by which the shipment to be tendered to FedEx. Note: The value of this element does not specify dispatching the courier for package pickup. Click here for more information on Pickup Types.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.pickupRequestType -- Specify pickup request type.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.shipmentAttributes -- Specify the shipment details, such as service type, packaging type, weight and dimensions. Note: serviceType is required for domestic or international pickup availabilities.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.numberOfBusinessDays -- Specify number of business days to consider when checking availability. For example if you are indicating pickupDate for a Saturday and you indicate 3, Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be considered. Example: 3
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.packageDetails -- This object is used to specify the package details.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.associatedAccountNumber -- The associated account number, which will be invoiced for the pickup. Example:613787364.
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.associatedAccountNumberType -- This represents a kind of legacy account number from a FedEx operating entity for the account number associated to the pickup. Valid values are: FEDEX_EXPRESS FEDEX_GROUND
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.carriers -- Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company thet meets your requirements. Examples of FedEx Operating Companies are: FDXE - FedEx Express FDXG - FedEx Ground
Full_Schema_Pickup_Availability.countryRelationship -- Specify the country relationship among the shipments being picked up. Empty or incorrect values will result in to errors. Note: shipmentAttributes/serviceType is required for domestic or international pickup availabilities.
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.associatedAccountNumber -- This is the FedEx account number. Example: Your account number
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.pickupConfirmationCode -- The confirmation number provided by FedEx to the customer when the pickup was scheduled or requested. Example: 7
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.remarks -- Placeholder for any message to be passed to the FedEx pickup courier. Note:Maximum length is 60 characters. Example: Please ring bell at loading dock.
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.carrierCode -- This is a placeholder to provide the FedEx operating company (transportation) code used for package delivery. Required for FedEx Ground. Optional for FedEx Express. The Default is FedEx Express i.e. FDXE.
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.accountAddressOfRecord -- Address details for the associated pickup account. Indicates if the address is residential. Specifies the city name, country code, streetline number, postal code, address verification Identifier, and state or province code.
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.scheduledDate -- Indicates the date the pickup dispatch occurs. Format YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-10-15
Full_Schema_Cancel_Pickup.location -- The FedEx Express location identifier responsible for processing the pickup request. This is returned in the CreatePickup response and is required to cancel a FedEx Express dispatch.Required only for FedEx Express Pickups. Optional for FedEx Ground. Example: LOSA
locationsSummaryRequestControlParameters.distance.units -- Indicates the unit of measure for the distance.
locationsSummaryRequestControlParameters.distance.value -- Specifies the distance value.
locationsSummaryRequestControlParameters.maxResults -- Specify the maximum number of locations to be returned in the reply.
constraints.locationContentOptions.[] -- Specify the information to be included in the location results.
constraints.dropOffTimeNeeded -- Specify the preferred drop-off time for a package. This filters the results with locations supporting the specified drop-off time.
constraints.excludeUnavailableLocations -- Filter to exclude locations that are currently unavailable.
locationSearchCriterion -- Specify the criteria to be used to search for FedEx locations. Default value is ADDRESS if no value is passed.
location.address.streetLines.[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. -- This is a placeholder for City Name.
location.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code.
location.address.postalCode -- This is placeholder for postal code.
location.address.countryCode -- The ISO Alpha2, Alpha3, Numeric3 code for the country or name (5 character max) for the country.
location.address.residential -- Indicates whether the address returned is residential as opposed to commercial.
location.address.addressVerificationId -- Address verification Identifier
location.address.addressClassification -- The business residential indicators.
location.address.addressClassificationConfidence -- The confidence of business residential classification business residential indicators.
location.longLat.latitude -- The geo coordinate value that specifies the north-south position of the address.
location.longLat.longitude -- The geo coordinate value that specifies the East-West position of the address.
phoneNumber -- Specify the phone number(Only LandLine allowed) if the locationSearchCriterion is set to 'PHONE_NUMBER'.Given that is the case, the location search will be made based on the phone number value and the location object(postalCode&countryCode) will be completely ignored.
multipleMatchesAction -- Specify the criterion to be used to return location results when there are multiple matches.
sort.criteria -- Specify the criteria to sort the location details.
sort.order -- Specify the sort order of the location search results, either ascending or descending. Defaults to ascending order.
trackingInfo.uniqueTrackingId -- A unique tracking number identifying a shipment. Used to return locations that are relevant to the shipment.
trackingInfo.trackingNumber -- A tracking number identifying a shipment. Used to return locations that are relevant to the shipment.
trackingInfo.shipDate -- The date of shipment.
sameState -- Filter to display locations within the same state as the search criteria.
sameCountry -- Filter to display locations within the same country as the search criteria.
redirectToHoldType -- Specify the type of service supported by a FedEx location for redirect to hold.
locationAttrTypes.[] -- Specify attributes to filter location types. If more than one value is specified, only those locations that have all the specified attributes will be returned.
locationCapabilities.serviceType -- Indicates the service types supported by the location.
locationCapabilities.carrierCode -- Unique code to identify the transporter.
locationCapabilities.transferOfPossessionType -- The method by which a package is transferred to the possession of a FedEx location.
locationCapabilities.serviceCategory -- The service category applicable for the capability.
locationCapabilities.daysOfWeek.[] -- The days of the week for which this capability applies.
packageAttributes.[].weight.units -- Specify the weighing unit of the package.
packageAttributes.[].weight.value -- This is package weight. Max. Length is 99999.
packageAttributes.[].dimensions.length -- Indicate the length of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value is 999.
packageAttributes.[].dimensions.width -- Indicate the width of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value is 999.
packageAttributes.[].dimensions.height -- Indicate the height of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value is 999.
packageAttributes.[].dimensions.units -- Indicate the dimensions of the package.
locationTypes.[] -- Results filter which narrows the search to specific types of FedEx Locations.
includeHoliday -- Indicates true if the location holiday list is desired in the results; otherwise false
dropoffTime -- Specifies the latest time by which you can drop-off a package at a location to process the shipment the same day. This limits the results to locations that support a specific drop-off time. The format is an ISO 8601 string in which only the time portion is used.
dropOffServiceType -- The drop-off service types supported by the specified location. If sort criteria is given as LATEST_EXPRESS_DROPOFF_TIME and dropoffservicetype is GROUND then backend will take the SORT_BY_LATEST_GROUND_TIME as sort criteria.
carrierCodes.[] -- Unique code to identify the transporter.
getCall -- Get a call.
Service Availability
requestedShipment.shipper.address.streetLines[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included.Example: ["10 FedEx Parkway", "Suite 302"] -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.shipper.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CAClick here to see State/Province Code
requestedShipment.shipper.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Max length is 10.Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.shipper.address.countryCode -- This is a Two-letter country code.Max length is two.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.shipper.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is Residential as opposed to Commercial. -- Specify contact name.Max Length is 70. -- Specify contact email address. Max length is 80. -- Specify contact person's phone number. Max length is 15. -- Specify contact person's phone extension. Max length is 6. -- Specify contact person's fax number. Max length is 15.
requestedShipment.shipper.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Max Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.recipient.address.streetLines[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included.Example: ["10 FedEx Parkway", "Suite 302"] -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.recipient.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CAClick here to see State/Province Code
requestedShipment.recipient.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Max length is 10.Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.recipient.address.countryCode -- This is a Two-letter country code.Max length is two.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.recipient.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is Residential as opposed to Commercial. -- Specify the recipient contact person's name. Max Length is 70.Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact person's phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact person's phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 91 -- Specify contact person's fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 956123 -- Specify contact person's company name. Maximum length is 35.Example: FedEx
requestedShipment.recipient.accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Max Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.serviceType -- Indicate the FedEx service type used for the shipment. The result will be filtered by the serviceType value indicated.If a serviceType is not indicated, then all the applicable services and corresponding rates will be returned. Example: STANDARD_OVERNIGHTClick here to see Service Types
requestedShipment.packagingType -- Specifies packaging Type.Click here to see Package Types
requestedShipment.shipDateStamp -- Conditional. Used to filter results to a specific ship date if populated on the request. Value will be defaulted to the current date/time.Format: [YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD]Example: 2020-10-13T11:00:00TZDNote:1.The date format must be YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD.2.The time must be in the format: HH:MM:SS using a 24-hour clock.3.The date and time are separated by the letter T, such as 2015-03-25T09:30:00.4.The time is local to the pickup postal code.5.Do not include a TZD (time zone designator) as it will be ignored.Example: 2019-11-15T11:00:00
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].physicalPackaging -- Specify the packaging used.Example: FEDEX_PAKClick here to see Package Types
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].groupPackageCount -- Indicate the grouped package count. These are number of identical package(s) each with one or more commodities. Example: 2
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].itemDescriptionForClearance -- Describe the content of the package for customs clearance purposes. This applies to intra-UAE, intra-Columbia and intra-Brazil shipments.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].customerReferences[].customerReferenceType -- This is a customer reference type. Note: Use type as RMA_ASSOCIATION and value as the RMA Number to associate Ground Call Tag shipments to the outbound shipment.For more information, click here for Cutsomer References
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].customerReferences[].value -- This is a customer reference type value.Example: 3686
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].contentRecord.itemNumber -- This is a package item number. Example: 45673289
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].contentRecord.receivedQuantity -- This is the package item quantity. Example: 2
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].contentRecord.description -- This is the description of the package item.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].contentRecord.partNumber -- This is the part Number Example: 123
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].declaredValue.amount -- Indicates the details of the charges are to be added.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].declaredValue.currency -- Three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].weight.units -- Specify the unit of measurement used to weigh. Example: LB
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].weight.value -- Weight Value. Example: 68.25Click here to see Weight Values
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].dimensions.length -- Length of a package or shipment. Maximum Length is 999. Example: 100
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].dimensions.width -- Width dimensions of a package or shipment. Maximum Length is 999. Example: 50
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].dimensions.height -- Height of a package or shipment. Maximum Length is 999. Example: 30
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].dimensions.units -- Unit of measure for the provided dimensions.Valid Values: IN - inches, CM - centimeters Example: CM
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.specialServiceTypes[] -- Optional.Specify special services requested for the package.Example: ["DANGEROUS_GOODS"]a onclick='loadDocReference("packagelevelspecialservicetypes")'>Click here to see Package Special Service Types
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.codDetail.codCollectionAmount.amount -- Indicates the details of the charges are to be added to the COD collect amount.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.codDetail.codCollectionAmount.currency -- Three-character ISO currency code. Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.dryIceWeight.units -- Specify the unit of measurement used to weigh the dry ice used in packaging.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.dryIceWeight.value -- Specify the value of weight of dry ice used in packaging. Example: 10.0
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.accessibility -- Dangerous Goods Accessibility Type. Inaccessible means it does not have to be accessable on the aircraft. Accessible means it must be fully accessible on the aircraft, and is more strictly controlled.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.dangerousGoodsDetail.options[] -- OptionalSpecify the dangerous goods' detail from the list of available options.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.alcoholDetail.alcoholRecipientType -- Specify the Alcohol Recipient Type of the shipment. Example: LICENSEE- FedEx approved alchol shipper having appropriate licenses. CONSUMER- Individual consumer to whom the alchol is shipped.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.alcoholDetail.shipperAgreementType -- Specify the shipper entity type. Example: Fulfillment house, Retailer or a Winery.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.pieceCountVerificationBoxCount -- Indicates the box count used for piece count verification.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.batteryMaterialType -- Describes the material composition of the battery or cell.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.batteryPackingType -- Describes the packing arrangement of the battery or cell with respect to other items within the same package.
requestedShipment.requestedPackageLineItems[].packageSpecialServices.batteryDetails.batteryRegulatoryType -- A regulation specific classification for the battery or cell.
requestedShipment.dropoffType -- Conditional Required for Express and Ground, but optional for FREIGHT or SMARTPOST Example: DROP_BOX
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.percentValue -- variable handling percentage Example: 25.67
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.amount -- This is the amount. Max length 18 including decimal.Example: 12.45
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.fixedValue.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateElementBasis -- Description of the percentage Example: NET_CHARGE
requestedShipment.variableHandlingChargeDetail.rateTypeBasis -- Optional RateType Basis Example: ACCOUNT
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.shipmentDimensions.length -- Indicate the length of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 20
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.shipmentDimensions.width -- Indicate the width of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.shipmentDimensions.height -- Indicate the height of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.shipmentDimensions.units -- Indicate the Unit of measure for the provided dimensions.Valid Values are: IN - inchesCM - centimetersNote: Any value other than CM including blank/null will default to IN.Example: CM
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.alternateBilling -- Optional : Designates a bill-to address Example: true
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].pieces -- Optional Total number of pieces Example: 1
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].volume.units -- The unit is in Cubic Feet or Cubic Meters. Example: CUBIC_FT
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].volume.value -- The amount of volume. Example: 9.965781217890562
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].handlingUnits -- OptionalNumber of individual handling units to which this line applies. (NOTE - Total of line-item-level handling units may not balance to shipment-level total handling units) Example: 1
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].freightClass -- Specify the freight class based on the item to be shipped and its weight measured per unit volume(Example: Kilograms per Cubic Meter) the shipment is categorized accordingly.Click here to use Freight class calculator
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].description -- Customer-provided description of this line item Example: Description
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].weight.units -- Specify the package weight unit type.Example:KG
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].weight.value -- Weight Value. Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].packaging -- Packaging type for this line item Example: SELFPACKAGE
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].classProvidedByCustomer -- defaults to false. FEDEX INTERNAL USE ONLY for FedEx system that estimate freight class from customer-provided dimensions and weight Example: true
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].hazardousMaterials -- Indicates the kind of hazardous material content in this line item Example: HAZARDOUS_MATERIALS
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].dimensions.length -- Indicate the length of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 20
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].dimensions.width -- Indicate the width of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].dimensions.height -- Indicate the height of the package. No implied decimal places. Maximum value: 999 Example: 10
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.lineItem[].dimensions.units -- Indicate the Unit of measure for the provided dimensions.Valid Values are:IN - inchesCM - centimetersNote: Any value other than CM including blank/null will default to IN.Example: CM
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.role -- Required Indicates the role of the party submitting the transaction Example: SHIPPER
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.clientDiscountPercent -- Conditional This is only used for anonymous rate requests Example: 10.5
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.emailAddresses[].emailNotificationFormatType -- These are email notification format type.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.emailAddresses[].address -- This is the email address.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.emailAddresses[].permissions.{} -- Indicate the Email Permission Type.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.prefix -- Specify the Prefix.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].number.areaCode -- Indicate the Area Code for the phone number.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].number.extension -- Indicate the extension for the phone number.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].number.countryCode -- The two-letter code used to identify a country.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].number.personalIdentificationNumber -- Indicate the Personal Identification Number associated with the phone number.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].number.localNumber -- Indicate the local phone number for contacting in the event of an emergency.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].permissions.{} -- This is to specify the phone permission.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].usage -- Specify if the phone usage is Primary or Secondary.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.phoneNumberDetails[].type -- Indicate the Phone Number Type.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.companyName.division -- This is division within a company.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.companyName.companyCd -- This is Company code. -- This is company Name.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.companyName.department -- This is department within a company
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.companyName.storeId -- This is Store identifier within a company.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.contactAncillaryDetail.title -- Indicate the contact title.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.address.streetLines[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included.Example: ["10 FedEx Parkway", "Suite 302"] -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CAClick here to see State/Province Code
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Max length is 10.Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- This is a Two-letter country code.Max length is two.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is Residential as opposed to Commercial. -- Specify contact name.Max Length is 70. -- Specify contact email address. Max length is 80. -- Specify contact person's phone number. Max length is 15. -- Specify contact person's phone extension. Max length is 6. -- Specify contact person's company name. Max length is 35. -- Specify contact person's fax number. Max length is 15.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.locationInCity -- This is the Subdivision or community within a city for the given address. Forester subdivision
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.suite -- This is the suite information for the given address.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.addressVerificationOverrideReason -- Specifies the reason to override address verification. Valid values: CUSTOMER_PREFERENCE, CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_PROOF, MANUAL_VALIDATION
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.locationInProperty -- This is location in a campus, such as exterior building annex A. Example: south west of main office entrance.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.addtionalDescriptions -- Specifies any additional information about the given address.Example: north door
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.department -- This is the department for the given address.Example: Claims department
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.roomFloor -- This is to specify the room or floor information for the given address.Example: 5th floor
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.crossStreet -- This is the cross street information for the given address.Example: Union and Main
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.building -- This is the building information for the given address.Example: Building 300
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress.addressAncillaryDetail.apartment -- This is the apartment information for the given address.Example: Apartment 1503 -- This is room specific information for the given address.Example: Room B-23
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.aliasID -- Conditional. This is bill to alias identifier.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.liabilityCoverageDetail.coverageType -- Optional This is the liability coverage type.
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.liabilityCoverageDetail.coverageAmount.amount -- This is the amount. Max length 18 including decimal.Example: 12.45
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.liabilityCoverageDetail.coverageAmount.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.fedExFreightAccountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Max Length is 9. Example: Your account number
requestedShipment.freightShipmentDetail.totalHandlingUnits -- OptionalTotal number of individual handling units in the entire shipment (for unit pricing). May not be negative
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.internationalControlledExportDetail.type -- Indicate International Controlled Export Type.Example: WAREHOUSE_WITHDRAWAL
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.returnShipmentDetail.returnType -- This is the return Type. Required to be set to PRINT_RETURN_LABEL for printed return label shipments. For email return label shipments returnType must be set to PENDING and pendingShipmentDetail must be set to EMAIL.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.homeDeliveryPremiumDetail.homedeliveryPremiumType -- This is Home Delivery Premium Type. It allows to specify additional premium service options for the home delivery shipment. Can specify Evening delivery or a Date certain, or can specify appointment for the delivery.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.returnEmailDetail.merchantPhoneNumber -- This is the merchant phone number. Is Required for Email Return Labels.Example: 19012635656
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.returnEmailDetail.allowedSpecialService[] -- Indicate the allowed (merchant-authorized) special services which may be selected when the subsequent shipment is created.Only services represented in EmailLabelAllowedSpecialServiceType will be controlled by this list.Example :[SATURDAY_DELIVERY]
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.specialServiceTypes[] -- Optional The types of all special services requested for the enclosing shipment.Example: FEDEX_EXPRESSClick here to see Special Service Types
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.saturdayDeliveryDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.streetLines[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included.Example: ["10 FedEx Parkway", "Suite 302"] -- This is a placeholder for City Name. Example: Beverly Hills
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.saturdayDeliveryDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- This is a placeholder for State or Province code. Example: CAClick here to see State/Province Code
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.saturdayDeliveryDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- This is the Postal code. This is Optional for non postal-aware countries. Max length is 10.Example: 65247Click here to see Postal aware countries
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.saturdayDeliveryDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- This is a Two-letter country code.Max length is two.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.saturdayDeliveryDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicate whether this address is Residential as opposed to Commercial. -- Specify contact name.Max Length is 70. -- Specify contact email address. Max length is 80. -- Specify contact person's phone number. Max length is 15. -- Specify contact person's phone extension. Max length is 6. -- Specify contact person's company name. Max length is 35. -- Specify contact person's fax number. Max length is 15.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationId -- This is an alphanumeric identifier used for Location/Facility Identification.Example: YBZANote: For HAL Shipment, Location ID is REQUIRED to ensure packages are delivered to the right location.Use endpoint [Find Location] in [Location Search API], to find the correct location ID for your shipment. -- Specify contact name.Note: Recommended Length is 70. There's no specific validation for the length.Example: John Taylor -- Specify contact email address. Maximum length is 80. Example: -- Specify contact phone number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact phone extension. Maximum length is 6. Example: 1234 -- Specify contact fax number. Maximum length is 15. Example: 1234567890 -- Specify contact company name. Maximum length is 35.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.streetLines[] -- This is a combination of number, street name, etc. Note: At least one line is required and streetlines more than 3 will be ignored. Empty lines should not be included.Example: ["10 FedEx Parkway", "Suite 302"] -- The name of city, town, etc. Example: Collierville
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.stateOrProvinceCode -- Identifying abbreviation for US state, canada Province. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on the country. State code is required for US, CA, PR and not required for other countries. Conditional. Not used for Ground/SmartPost. Max length is 2.Example: TN
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.postalCode -- Identification of a region for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on the country. Optional for non postal-aware countries. Max length is 10.Example: 38127
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.countryCode -- The two-letter code used to identify a country. Max length is two.Example: USClick here to see Country Codes
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationContactAndAddress.address.residential -- Indicates whether this address is residential (as opposed to commercial).Example: false
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.holdAtLocationDetail.locationType -- Specify the Hold at location type.Example: FEDEX_ONSITE
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.codDetail.codCollectionType -- Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon shipment delivery.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.codDetail.codCollectionAmount.amount -- This is the amount. Max length 18 including decimal.Example: 12.45
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.codDetail.codCollectionAmount.currency -- This is the currency code for the amount.Example: USDClick here to see Currency Codes
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.units -- Specify the unit of measurement used to weigh the package. For Dry Ice the unit of measure is KG.
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.shipmentDryIceDetail.totalWeight.value -- Specify the value of the weight of the package.Example: 68.25
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.shipmentDryIceDetail.packageCount -- Specify dry ice shipment package count.Example: 12
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.freightDirectDetail.freightDirectDataDetails[].type -- This field provides the type for FedexFreight Detail service.Example: BASICBASIC_BY_APPOINTMENTPREMIUMSTANDARD
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.freightDirectDetail.freightDirectDataDetails[].transportationType -- This field provides the transportation type for Fedex Freight Detail service.Example: DELIVERYPICKUP
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.freightDirectDetail.freightDirectDataDetails[].eMailAddress -- This field provides the email address associated with the freight user
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.freightDirectDetail.freightDirectDataDetails[].phoneNumberDetails[].phoneNumberType -- This provides the type of phoneNumber being used in request.Example: FAXHOMEMOBILEPAGETOLL_FREEWORK
requestedShipment.specialServicesRequested.freightDirectDetail.freightDirectDataDetails[].phoneNumberDetails[].phoneNumber -- This provides the phone number
requestedShipment.pickupType -- Indicate the pickup type method by which the shipment to be tendered to FedEx.Note: The value of this element does not specify dispatching the courier for package pickup.Click here for more information on Pickup Types.
accountNumber.value -- This is the account number. Max Length is 9. Example: Your account number
carrierCodes[] -- Optionally supplied to restrict the results to services for a specific carrier. Valid values are: FDXE, FDXG, FXSP. Example: ["FDXG", "FDXE"]