UPS Mail Innovations
UPS Mail Innovations is a high-volume mailing service offering from UPS.
Mail Innovations Specific Service Types
- M2 = First Class Mail - Domestic (use 59 - First Class packagingType)
- M3 = Priority Mail - Domestic (use 60 - Priority packagingType)
- M4 = Expedited Mail Innovations - Domestic
- M5 = Priority Mail Innovations - International
- M6 = Economy Mail Innovations - International
Mail Innovations Specific Packaging Types
- 59 = First Class
- 60 = Priority
- 61 = Machinables - 6 - 15.99oz
- 62 = Irregulars - 1 - 15.99oz
- 63 = Parcel Post - 1 - XXlbs
- 64 = BPM Parcel - 1 - 15lb
- 65 = Media Mail - 1 - XXlbs
- 66 = BMP Flat - < 1lb
- 67 = Standard Flat - 1 - 15.99oz
USPS Endorsements
- 1 = Return Service Requested
- 2 = Forwarding Service Requested 3 = Address Service Requested
- 4 = Change Service Requested
- 5 = No Service Selected
Signature options
For Mail Innovations forward shipments, USPS Delivery Confirmation is allowed for Priority, First Class, Machineables, Irregulars, Parcel Post, BPM Parcel, and Media Mail package types.
USPS Delivery Confirmation is prohibited for Standard Flats, BPM, BPM Flats, and Parcels package types.